Friday, May 2, 2008

Final Step

All of the subjects put together and came my final assignment.

Step 5

The tagline for my Global warming - Earth forcusing to be burn
-Use pen tool to make the outline of a board. Apply the color from
the selected gradient . The "Earth forcusing to be burn" is made
by the type tool .

Step 4

The Sunlight
-Use pen tool . Apply the color and use color gradient to make is more

Step 3

-Use pen tool to maje the outline. Apply the color by the color dropper
tool. And create the gradient mesh on it to make the different of the
color from the different light sight.

Step 2

The broken layer (exosphere)
-Use the pen tool to make the white line which represent the
broken shield (layer of exosphere). The circuit is made by the
circuit tool . The color that I apply on it is can be select in the
gradient box.

Step 1

The Earth
Use pen tool . color dropper for this whole Earth. Apply the color from the refences of the Earth.